It is important for you to make a Will whether or not you consider you have many possessions or assets. Having a Will makes things easier for your nearest and dearest in the event of your death and we can assist in drafting a Will to ensure your wishes are met.
Our fees for a straight forward standard Will are £395.00 plus VAT. We offer a 10% discount for partner's mirror Wills.
Many people these days are worried that a time may come when they are unable to look after their own day to day affairs and whilst a Will covers the Estate in the event of death, many clients these days are pre-empting their inability to act by preparing Lasting Powers of Attorney during their “lucid” years. This would enable a person of your choice to act for you in your best interests should you become incapable. If you would like further information with regard to Lasting Powers of Attorney then please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss further.
Our fees for a Lasting Power of Attorney for Property & Financial are £395.00 plus VAT. We offer a discount to £630.00 plus VAT for both Financial and Health & Welfare LPA.
Please be advised that there is a Court registration fee of £82.00 for each Power of Attorney